Our Practice
The Austinburg Difference
Just 12 of the Many Ways We Strive To Be Different In A Good Way
AAHA Accreditation
We are accredited by The American Animal Hospital Association; only 15% of all veterinary practices in the U.S. and Canada are accredited. Veterinary practices that accept the challenge of accreditation are evaluated on stringent quality standards that encompass all aspects of pet care, ranging from patient care and pain management, to team training and medical record keeping. AAHA standards are continuously updated to keep accredited practices on the forefront of veterinary medicine. You can trust our AAHA-accredited practice team to provide the highest quality care for your pet! We were recognized by AAHA as one of the top veterinary hospitals in the country in 2012.
Daytime Emergencies
Everyone has a different idea of what is an emergency. At AVC, if it’s an emergency to you, it’s an emergency to us. We understand how upsetting it can be to have a sick pet, which is why no matter how busy we are, we will make the time to see your pet. Unfortunately not all hospitals do this, and because we will not turn away an animal in need, we occasionally run behind schedule. We appreciate your patience with us, as we do our best to stay on time. We want you to know if the time ever comes that you have an emergency we will not turn your pet away.
After Hours Consultations
Our Doctors and Staff are committed to you and your pet. We understand that our pets don’t always get sick between 8am and 6pm that is why Dr.Salinger and Dr.Paulic are available after hours for phone consultations. Just call the main clinic phone number ((440) 275-1071) and our answering service will page the doctor on call who will help you determine if your pet requires immediate attention and which facility will be best to handle your pets problem, or if it can wait for the next morning.
We do not vaccinate animals unnecessarily
There are a lot of vaccines that are not needed and can even be harmful (i.e. corona, giardia, FIP).We do not believe in over vaccinating animals. We do not believe in “one size fits all” medicine. We will discuss your pet’s lifestyle with you, discuss the risks of vaccinations, and decide which vaccines and how often they should be given to your pet.
All our spays and neuters get pain medications before and after
Could you imagine having surgery and NOT getting anything for pain? Neither could we, in years past, it was mistakenly believed that animals did not feel pain like people do, or that giving pain medications would encourage over activity and potential injury. Research shows that in addition to enhancing the pet’s comfort, good pain control also improves anesthetic safety and actually promotes faster healing. We are committed to using the most advanced pain control methods available to keep your pet calm and pain-free before, during, and after every surgical procedure.
We use individual sterile surgical and dental instruments for each patient
We believe that each patient has the right to clean and sterile instruments. Although this seems like a very basic standard of care, it can vary from hospital to hospital, some hospitals still use cold sterile solutions. These solutions can become ineffective when blood or other organic material is introduced. We have invested thousands of dollars in equipment so that we always have enough sterile instruments for all our surgical and dental patients.
We do not use steroids unnecessarily or indiscriminately
We understand that everyone hates to see their dog be uncomfortable and itchy but steroids only provide temporary relief and can be very harmful. Instead of relying on steroids to mask the symptoms, we use multiple approaches (environment, topical therapy, immunotherapy and nutrition) to address your pets underlying problem.
We never stop learning
All of our staff, from doctors to kennel help, attends regular continuing educational seminars. We feel it is important that we continue to learn and grow so we are always able to offer your pet the latest treatments. We see ourselves as not only your pets family doctor, but also as your pets advocate- it is up to us to make sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision for your pet.
We think same day laboratory test results are important
We know there are times when getting laboratory tests right away can mean the difference between life and death. We have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in equipment so we don’t have to wait until the next day to get important test results. We can check clotting profiles, intraocular eye pressure, complete blood counts, chemistry profiles, electrolyte levels, radiographs (including Radiologist consults), fecal testing and many others. Some hospitals rely heavily on outside labs for their diagnostics; this can delay important medical decisions for your pet. While we use outside labs, we feel the investment in in-house diagnostics helps us be better doctors to provide timely care based on facts.
We love special needs patients and owners
Crazy dogs and nervous cats- we love them all. We take the time to let your pet settle in and we give lots of love. We believe that tasty treats and going slowly can make all the difference. We want our patients to enjoy their checkups. The same goes for you, if you are nervous about a procedure, unclear how to give medications or just not sure how to deal with your pet’s illness- we are here to listen and help in any way possible.
Our community commitment
We understand we are a small part of a larger community. We are committed to improving the communities we serve. Our staff is part of the community and we believe providing them with benefits like health insurance and retirement is not only important for them but our community as well. We also support other local businesses and charities. We are actively involved in community events, school programs, 4H and pet rescue groups. We believe that it is important to support the communities that support us.
Referral Services
We have established working relationships with Dr. Kirstin Boddy and Dr. Mike Slawienski. These boarded specialists visit our practice on a regular basis to provide cardiology and specialty surgical services in our hospital, so it is less stressful on you and your best friend; it will also save you time and money.
We also work with several area specialty referral hospitals. Unlike other hospitals we do not believe our job ends with a referral, we will be there to answer your questions and work with your pet’s specialist to make sure your pet receives the best care possible. We understand how difficult it can be when dealing with a critically ill pet, we are always here to help answer questions, offer advice or just be a shoulder to lean on.
These are just a few of the ways we are different. We pride ourselves on being different, in a good way. By choosing us you have chosen a team of individuals that will work with you to keep your pet healthy. If you ever have a question, concern or even a complaint- we want to hear it.